miercuri, 3 septembrie 2014


Sa calatorim. putem merge cu copilul la mare sau la munte. In orice loc el cunoaste lucruri noi, daca este scolar, isi aminteste ce a invatat la scoala. Sau putem sa-i imbogatim noi cunostintele, povestindu-i fapftele  stramosilor nostii in locurile peste care trecem.Astfel nu trebuie sa uitam sa-i reamintim de cate ori traversam Podul de la Cernavoda ca  a fost proiectat si construit de Ing Anghel Saligny, ca a fost construit pe vremea regelui Carol I, ca podul este inscris in lista monumentelor istorice sub denumirea de Podul Carol I cu statuile Dorobanti, ca o fost printe prima cale ferata din Romania(pe atunci Tara Romaneasca). De asemenea, la mare poate vedea toate speciile de pesti, poate merge la Delfinariu unde se va distra de minune. Iar cand este mai maricel va trebui ca cunosca si restul tarii. Nu strica ca mergeti la munte, chiar la manastiri. Ii va folosi. La scoala face "Religie". Doamna profesoara va fi incantata sa vada ca sunt copii care cunosc cate ceva din vietile duhovnicilor nostrii. Iar peisajul................. este aproape totul pentru a te reincarca cu energie.


Ridding.  We can go with the child at sea or in the mountains. In every place he knows things, if it's school, recalls what he learned in school. Or we can let them enrich our new knowledge, telling him the fapftele ancestors in places over which cars pass.So you must not forget to remind them how many times walked across the bridge at Cernavoda was designed and built by Engineer Anghel Saligny, it was built in the time of King CAROL I, as the bridge is inscribed in the list of historical monuments as the CAROL Bridge with statues of Dorobanti, as it was among the first railways in Romania (on the Romanian country). Also at sea can see all fish species, can go to the Aquarium where you will enjoy a great time. And when is it Mabey you have watch cathrin Tait and the rest of the country. It doesn't hurt to go to the mountains, even in monasteries. Will use. The school is "Religion".  Mrs. teacher will be excited to see that there are children who know something of the duhovnicilor to our lives. Landscape. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .is almost everything to recharge with energy.

 Manastirea Govora

 Manastirea Hurezi

 Manastirea Bistrita
 Manastirea Govora

 Manastirea Hurezi


 Manastirea Hurezi


Jiull in TG JIU

 Masa Tacerii-TG JIU

Manastirea Lainici--- Un colt de RAI

 Manastirea Prislop

Manastirea Bistrita

 Fiecare are povestea ei, iar pe copii ii fascineaza. Nu le strica o educatie religioasa-cat de cat. 

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