Poate ne gandim sa-l inscriem la cursuri ajutatoare. Am gasit un loc: www.arhimede.ro/ - il recomand cu incredere. Am vazut copii olimpici la matematica, care urmeaza in paralel cursuri la acea "scoala". Si mai ramane sa motivezi copilul sa invete: pentru a fi cel mai bun, pentru renume, pentru a-si atinge o TINTA, care se afla undeva sus de tot.
Personal, consider ca nu trebuie obligat si stresat copilul, trebuie sa-l motivezi cu "idealuri", nu cu recompense imediate, nu trebuie sa-l pedepsesti - pentru ca pedepsindu-l pentru invatatura va ajunge sa urasca scoala. Si nu te abtine sa-l ajuti, ii va fi mai usor, atat lui cat si tie. Meditatiile- atat de discutate- asta inseamna: ajutor calificat. De ajutor are copilul nevoie pentru a se dezvolta. Iar cand se fac mari si ne depasesc in cunostinte- ne vom mandri ca sunt copii nostrii.
Multa bafta in noul an scolar!
Eiii, isn't so simple. Some of us, more fortunate, they say: it's easy, i told the child to do homework and he makes them. But many say it out, otherwise ... sees him. I don't know what he sees, but I don't think it serves no purpose: to determine your child to do homework. Others say: I don't have time for it, is his job. And others of us get involved directly in helping a child to do homework, to explain more, they provide more information than the manual. The result: the child do homework in sila, doing homework with the thought to win-and if that enters the information in one ear and out the other ear (and there is the downside that you can get at any given time in a critical situation and no longer can give the child what he wants. My question is: what happens then? The child does not learn that no longer receives anything?)
Maybe we are thinking to join the training courses. I found a spot: www.arhimede. com/-I recommend with confidence. I've seen kids math Olympic, which follows the parallel courses at the "school". And more remains to motivate the child to learn: to be the best, to reputation, to achieve a target, which sits somewhere on top of everything.
Personally, I think that should not be obligated and stressed out the child, should motivate him with "ideals", not with immediate rewards, not punishing him because chastising him for teaching will come to hate school. And don't help to help him, it will be easier for both of you as well. Meditations-so-this is discussed: qualified help. Help the child to develop. And when you are doing great and we are beyond the knowledge-we are proud of our children.
Good luck in the new school year!